What's Up At Naas Baptist?

News and views from pulpit and 'pews'

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday night prayer time

I really am grateful for those who gather together for prayer and fellowship on Wednesday nights.

We had a special time tonight when Kenny and Faustina prepared special burgers for dinner.

During the prayer time nearly everyone was able to share some specific answer to prayer. God has worked some great victories for us!

Of course the time of uniting our hearts in prayer was a special blessing as well.

We would love for others to join us. We meet at Jay and Holly's every Wednesday at half seven.

'Keep Your Heart' series

Last Sunday we looked at the importance of guarding our hearts and the problems with guarding our hearts.

This Sunday we are going to look at the various gates leading to the castle keep and how to guard those gates. Check back after the message for those notes.